Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gobama... faux pas???

Republicans say he will bankrupt the country... Inspite of Obama scrambling to woo top bankers and financiers to back its latest bailout plan, including the famous/infamous 'not acting in anger'maxim for the AIG bonuses, he could not escape the skeptical Americans, with the businesses from startups to global giants to drugmakers and farmers gearing up to fight the Prez's spending plan with ad campaigns and public protests...

The question: Can the markets digest this enormous amount of new paper without pushing up interest rates on longer-term securities or crowding out private sector borrowings, as investers choose the relative safety of Treasury notes over corporate bonds? If this flood of new supply hits the bond maket amid insufficient demand, bond prices will fall, driving their yields higher in order to attract buyers. The yield on 10-year Treasuries has risen from 2.1% two months ago to 3% on Mar 4, a factor that has kept fixed-mortagage rates higher than they would be otherwise.

In the current economic climate, however, the administration should be able to finance its stimulus efforts with little difficulty. That's because Treasury rates turn on two things: investors' expectations of inflation and their appetite for risk. Deflation is more of a concern right now.

By asking only the richest 2% of Americans to pay more, Mr Obama is building his vision of a more activist govt on a shaky foundation.

Then there is another school of thought which opines that it is hard to fathom how they are going to make a profound impact on reducing the deficit at a time when they don't know the extent to which govt. will need to ensure the stability of the markets and economy...

The massive spending plan in the midst of a prolonged recession.. would it actually leave the next generation with a country too inexpensive to live in ?

Sunday, March 22, 2009


What do you do when you feel the world is meaningless, when the nihilistic thoughts take over, and somehow you still want to live and are searching for that elusive reason and purpose,when the beauty of life just appears false and simply subjective and you realize you can just as easily reject and hate everything, as you loved them. But you should love life, there is no other way of living, other than perfunctory existence they say, which appears and rightly so, logically true. It’s not always about the deeper meanings and reasons, sometimes all we can do is live for the moment and pamper our hedonistic selves. So we had a day of a fiesta coming this Sunday (i.e. today), giving into which actually made us thank ourselves later...

This day was marked by our visit to local sight-seeing to Delhi, and even the scorching capital heat could not dampen our spirits to explore the places and get clicked with the gigantic moghal gifts to us... Looks like we are geared up all again for the stiffly week ahead...

Messy, precarious and percecuting... yet we are lovin' it here...

Morn folks! n with this we introduce you to the first ever blog of the first ever batch of RGIPT with an insight into the hum-drum yet ever more fascinating lectures, repetitive yet engrossing events, painfully regular yet with those 'Moment of Clarity' presentation pressure points, those never ending and ever spurring campus chit-chats and link-ups.. :P and indeed lots more, giving you a glimpse of the life@RGIPT

When the Guest Speaker, Dr. Ashok Jhanwar, asked the crowd a few questions to which no one had an answer, I knew it then there was something very big coming our way! Lately I realized that use of jargons is not limited to the MBA crowd. We were introduced to a gamut of new terms such as GRM, Petrocrats, Qualitative learning and Authentic Listening. The only difference between an MBA jargon and these terms was that we could relate to these terms, both in the semantic and emotional context.

The eponymous institute of ours, named after one of the pillars of the illustrous Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, having seen the light of the day, has yet to be taken to the zenith, with the culmination of the 2 yr program of the maiden batch of the institute... We being our own torch bearers, resort to optimism, replacing mere emotions with pure motion and breaking the Murphy's law...

Keep hitting this place to read more of my batchmates... Adios for now...